A. The educational implications that search engines such as google squared provide are easier and more access to information that may be needed for projects, papers, etc. Also these search engines allow you to compare statistics and facts in the form of a table so you can see the differences in the information.
B. The educational implications of search engines such as Wolfram Alpha are that it gives you plenty of information and statistics, it is easy to understand, and has data for almost anything you need to know.
C. I did not know of google squared before this assignment.
D. I did not know of Wofram Alpha before this assignment.
E. The part of Did You Know that your comments changed my opinion on is the part of America's comparison to other countries in the aspect of size as well as of honor students. I wasn't considering the vast difference in population and size.
F. I learned from this exercise to always be sure and compare statistics before you make an assumption about information. The information may seem shocking but if you don't have something to compare it to then you can't know that for sure.
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