Did You Know? By Karl Fisch
This video was very shocking to me. The statistics on how long Americans have been at their current jobs was a surprise because it seems like most people used to find jobs and stay at them until they retire. But that has apparently changed with the growth of our society's job options. Also the statistics on how America's population compares to other countries in the world was new information to me. I feel that we sometimes think that America is on top in the world just because of stereotypes, but I think we should all be aware of what is happening in the world around us.
The information in this video about technology really opened my eyes. It seems that our society is based on technology and uses it for everything. The question in the video, "To whom were these questions addressed before Google?", catches my attention. We depend so greatly on technology that it doesn't seem possible to function normally in this society and be technologically illiterate. Another fact that shocked me was that in 2013 there will be a super computer that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain. This means that in the very near future there could possibly be something that could fulfill many of the jobs that humans depend on for a living. Overall this video made me see how important it is for me to become more technologically inclined.
Mr. Winkle Wakes By: Mathew Needleman
This video was an entertaining way of saying that every other area of society has advanced and progressed technologically except our school systems. This fact is becoming more of a problem everyday. Since technology is a large part of higher education as well as most careers today, how much sense does it make not to incorporate technology into learning at an earlier age? If we make our public classrooms more techno-friendly, then this could increase the students' success in the future.
Bringing the school system up to date would not be an easy task. Probably the biggest problem we would run into is the money that it would take and where it would come from. Also there would have to be a transition for the students who are older and haven't been exposed to this type of learning. Finally, all the teachers who are not up to par in technological education would have to learn things before they could successfully teach students.
Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
I really enjoyed this video. I agree with Ken totally that children are being taught to be afraid of being wrong, which is resulting in their loss of creativity. The idea that education in the school systems only focuses on educating children from the neck up is true. It takes more than just knowledge in math and science to become a well rounded person.
I think we should be incorporating creativity in the education process of children. While I don't think they should be forced to be artists or dancers, I do think they should have the option to explore their creative side while learning the core subjects as well. This also relates to the idea of bringing technology in to the classroom. We have to be careful not to let technology replace what little bit of creativity that already exists in our school systems.
Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
This video shows a teacher of a class for improving students' knowledge of technology. This class is a very good start for incorporating technology in the school systems. The students will benefit greatly from learning all these things. They are also interacting with students around the world which will make them more aware of the rest of the world.
The class she is teaching seems a lot like our edm 310 class because they are making blogs and learning to use computers to learn rather than pencils and paper. I think that if there were classes like this available in my high school it would have been very helpful for me in my higher education. I think classes like this should exist and multiply all over our country.
Excellent post Haley! Your writing is good and organized.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct, these videos are all about the importance of technology in our world today.I think technology is the key to allowing students to learn in a positive way that works for them individually and in groups. Ms. Davis' class is a good example.
"Did You Know" gives a lot of statistics that demonstrate the importance of technology. Just remember, there are many ways to look at these numbers depending on your perspective. The US may not necessarily be behind in education but just has a much smaller population. But, the video doesn't mention that fact.
As you said, it would be very hard to be technologically illiterate in society today. Unfortunately, many people still are, and as a result are falling further and further behind.
Your blog looks great. Keep up the good work. SS