The first blog I commented on was MilliM's blog in GSandler's class blog. She wrote about her 100th post. She said her favorite thing about blogging is getting comments from people all over the world and then her class marks where it came from on a map. I told her that it was very inspiring for me that she was on her 100th post because I am new to blogging. I told her it was great that they mark the places on a map because that really helps them to become aware of places all over the world.
The next blog I commented on was Nya's blog from Ms. Naugle's class blog. She wrote about her class trip to the Washington parish fair. She described the animals they saw and what they did. I told her that she did a great job of describing the details of what she saw. I could imagine all the animals in my head. Both students did a good job on their posts.
Everytime I have a new C4K to comment on, I was happy. I got to learn a little about them and their school. Did you enjoy it as well? Can you believe many schools are already blogging?